Change Is Possible!

Change is possible when you have a plan to facilitate the change and you are prepared to do the work involved in the process.

Could you imagine a female, 5 ft tall, over 210 pounds who says she wants to lose weight but did not really have a plan?

That was my experience when a relative came to visit.

She wanted to lose the weight.

It was clear she knew what she wanted but did not know the process involved.

It was impossible to get her to see that there was another part to the process.

Know The Change Process

It is easy to talk change.

However, talking is not improvement.

As human beings we can improve our lives so long as we follow the talk with specific plans that we will execute.

It is clear when you listen to people talking about weight loss that many don’t know the process.

It is why it is so difficult for them to follow through with a plan when they say they want change.

The good news is that transformation is possible when you know what to do.

Many people have changed their lives because they knew exactly what to do.

Today, if you are not sure about what you do, continue reading.

Change Is Possible

It does not come easily but it is possible.

Why is it difficult?

Because it is usually accompanied by discomfort and or disruption.

These are two things that most times are not welcome.

Hence the difficulties that usually come with trying to create improvement can be challenging.

In the end, you must be prepared to disrupt your life to accommodate change.

If what you want is important to you, then the discomfort and disruption are only minor inconveniences.

In fact you then learn to accept change with the kind of grace that makes is a beautiful experience.

Your Plan

Talking about change is great.

Without a plan it is just talk, and talk alone cannot bring about transformation.

Articulating a detailed plan is what you must add to your life.

For example, if you want to lose weight, you need to detail the activities you are going to do to help you bring down your weight.

Your plan must involve action.

If you are participating in a plan that is designed to help you lose weight, your actions would be about losing weight.

They may not seem that way in the beginning but staying with the program should eventually end in weight loss.

Whether your goal is to lose weight or to improve your finances, to become a leader or to become a musician, you must have a plan.

How do you get a plan?

Today it is easy to find information that could help you create any positive difference you want in your life.

And a lot of that information is free..Just Google it.

After Googling the information you can now create into a plan of action.

Or you can join a program that is designed specifically to help you with your weight problem.

Be Persistent

This is where the disruption enters the picture.

Your plan needs your time.

Giving that time would take you away from activities that form a normal part of your life.

It is important that you identify the activities that would get you to your goal.

Give up those that do not.

Hence the difficulties that people encounter when they are trying to change.

Their life was already full.

Think about it with your life today.

Do you have time or space to add something new?

But if you want to change something, you need to find the time.


You need to make some adjustments to get everything to fit in.

Yes there is going to be disruption.

It is a necessary part of improvement because you can’t get what you want without dealing with other commitments.

It is a case of fitting in to make things work for you.

Once you get there, now you persist and then life improvement is possible!

Your Dreams

People who decide to create change in their lives are usually dreamers.

They begin seeing themselves in their new and improved life.

And their dreams give them energy to carry through to the end.

If you are a dreamer and a doer, you have what it takes to move your life forward.

Dreams are a necessary part of the process.

Is it possible to create meaningful change without dreaming about it?

Yes, but that situation is rare or possible in academia.

For the person who wants to improve their financial situation is one who dreams about financial freedom.

Then they go out and create it.

Change Is Serious Business

If you are not serious about change, you will not be able to create it in your life.

To be serious means that you are prepared to do what it takes to win.

Winning is the goal.

Change is winning in this context.

It means new positions, different attitudes and more pleasure.

Money could be the source of the pleasure but may not always be.

It all depends of your goal.

If you want to lose weight for instance, money cannot replace that goal.

But if you increase your income so that you could participate in a more expensive program that is designed to help you lose weight, then the money is fine and welcome.

It all depends on your goal, what you want.

The logic is like this: if you don’t go through the pain of change, you will never experience the beauty of change.


Talking change is not enough and will get you no where.

In fact, people who talk change usually spend too much time talking and not enough working on the change they talk about.

You can create the life you want because you now know that change is possible.

Yes, it involves work and persistence.

The more you do, the easier it is to accomplish your goal.

That is why you must have a plan.

Trying to change without a plan is like trying to drive a car without having had a driving lesson.

You must know what you want and be prepared to do the work that is needed.

Focus on the new, take your eye off the old and stay the course.

Change is possible for you when you do things in the right way.

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