Your Vision For A Great Life

Your vision for a great life, most likely comes from having an idea and understanding of what a great life looks like.

People with great lives are usually dreamers, and of course you can be one.

Dreaming without limit is how you can create the life you want before you actually set out to do the work.

Creating the way you see your future is important since you need it to have the means to transform it from your mind, into reality.

Most people who are able to dream about such a life probably had some kind of exposure to one.

For example, the kind of literature they read can give them ideas that make up a great life.

Or they may have friends who live that kind of life and it is where their desire was born.

The point is vision starts out as being mental.

Vision Without Dreaming

Of course you can have a perspective for life without dreaming.

The people who do so, create an image of the hopes and directions they want for their lives.

Those hopes and directions could come out of experiences they have from their work or other sources.

For example YouTube is a great place to explore and find the kinds of life that is possible.

People who understand that things are created twice, go about creating the kind of life they want to create first in the mind.

And that is what you consider as you think about the kind of life you want.

Goals Vs Vision

Your goals are important but they are not your vision.

They are actually the stepping stones to it.

Therefore, they are important, but their role is to help with the direction of your actions.

With direction you stay the course and could eventually create your life.

But that life really comes out of your perspective, your vision.

It allows you to impact the lives of others by the way you make them feel, by the way they think about you.

Because you want to create a world that is positive, you focus on how you impact others.

Thus the person with a proper perspective has a way to treat other people since people do play a role in his or her world.

Your Vision And People

People can directly or indirectly affect the direction of your vision.

Some people are helpers and should be encouraged.

Others should be avoided as much as you possibly could.

These two kinds of people exist and it is up to you to know where to place your trust.

Understand their motives and you will know which ones are good for your future and which are not.

Extreme views and opinions that are not helpful to your future and cannot serve you.

In fact, there are people whose only mission is to serve themselves.

They therefore cannot be good for your vision.

Planning For Desirable Outcomes

When your path is clear to focus on your vision, you must give it the time it deserves.

Planning and perfecting your vision needs time and attention.

It is the most important activity you can participate in because it determines the kind of outcome you are going to have.

The better you prepare, the better the outcome.

So give it the attention it deserves and focus on the outcomes you want.

Your Actions

Actions are necessary to create your future.

Your actions influence the nature of the life you are going to create.

Therefore being meticulous about the actions your take will serve you well.

The fact is though your vision is the consequence of what you do, in addition to other things.

Designing A Great Life

A great life is about the vision you have for your life.

What are you going to be doing with your life?

Who will be there with you?

Where will you be doing the things that you want to do?

How are you going to be doing those things?

Where are you going to be enjoying that great life?

These are the questions that comprise designing a great life.

They are too serious to be taken lightly.

Your life is too valuable to leave it to chance.

Time To Go To Work

Your vision demands work if you are going to accomplish what’s in it.

There are different levels and types of work you do.

Thinking carefully about the activities that will take up your time is important thinking time.

The decisions that you make will have long term consequences.

So take your time so that you could have the best results possible.

Dream it and go to work creating it!

The work is important and necessary.

The more focus you give to the cause, the more successful you come out in the end.

Your Purpose

Your purpose is what should come out of the work you do preparing your vision.

Because it is the thing that will keep you going when you meet challenges…The always show up.

Staying the course is important and an absolute necessity if you want to develop your purpose and vision.

That is what they do.

The road to your destination will not be smooth.

But because of your purpose and your values you will have the energy and the desire to continue.

The pursuit of your dreams will demand your full attention.

That is why your purpose must be well defined.

It is an important and integral part of your vision.


Your vision dominates your activities and behavior.

It is what drives you to take the actions that you eventually take in order to create it.

You want to create something special for a vision.

Because of the role it can play in your life, it deserves your attention as well as your focus.

With a good vision in place, you can work towards creating the life you want with the people that you want.

In fact, you can have people in your vision if they are important enough for you and your future.

Vision clarity helps you to live the life that you want, the life that you invested your time to create.

It is a necessary part of designing a great life.

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