What Is Leverage

What is leverage is a question many ask because they hear from others that it puts smiles on people’s faces.

It actually benefits anyone who uses it but puts a frown on those who it is used upon.

So, what is leverage?

One of the meanings of leverage is the power or ability to act or influence people, events, decisions etc.; sway.

There is another meaning that I like: the use of a small investment, credit, or borrowed funds to gain a very high return in relation to one’s investment.

Today, there really is nothing stopping anyone with access to a small amount of funds to use that money and leverage it into something bigger over time.

The definitely says that power and ability are interchangeable. It seems to me though that power is one thing and ability is another. And achieving success, in this context, requires both.

Having the power to influence people is being in a position of access to the opportunity to influence. 

Leverage, the power to influence

The ability to influence indicates that influence is accomplished.

Therefore, I think it’s fair to say that power is equal to potential ability.

For example, the internet gives the power, meaning allows access to the opportunity, to influence others.

So that power allows me access to you so that you are able to read a blog written by me.

But power to influence is not ability to influence.

It is the potential ability.

It is only when I’m doing it right and actually influencing you that I am displaying an ability to influence you .

We hope to influence you, to persuade you, to work and smile your way to freedom.

The pursuit of freedom can and does make people smile.

May you design a great life for yourself because of the possibilities leverage can give you.

In turn, you too can have the ability to influence others.

Affiliate marketing… a source of influence

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to accomplish this.

With it you learn how to share with others ways they could make tomorrow better than today.

In fact, we belong to a community dedicated to doing just that.

We believe in helping ourselves and very importantly, helping and supporting others to create freedom in their lives.

That is why we carry the name: Freedom Crusaders.


Community is a great place to share and use leverage.

It means a group of people with the same goals and desires.

Like in our business community where we support each other in their pursuit of freedom, happiness and eventually financial independence.

We are called Freedom Crusaders.

Each member has their own reason for the pursuit.

Those reasons may be different but our unity of purpose makes us a powerful force as we take on the ever present challenges.

Be A Part Of A Community

If you want to take advantage of the powers of leverage, you should be a part of a community.

The fact is, you can on your own try, and most people do try.

The usual result is that they find the challenge so difficult that they fall off their journey.

The support provided by a community is absolutely important and can help you to stay on your journey.

Leveraging the knowledge of those with more experience and success is an absolute necessity.

That support makes your journey shorter, quicker.

How Much Time You Have?

You do not know how much time you have here on earth.

It is better to make use of the time you know you have, by living each day as if it is your last.

In addition you plan as though you are going to live forever.

And in those plans you use leverage to give you the best advantage you can have.

When you benefit from leverage and speed up the time it takes you to get to your goals, you will have more time to enjoy your earnings.


Planning is vital to your eventual success.

And when you want to take advantage of leverage, you plan for success.

Yes it takes work to get to where you want to go.

But when you have the support of those who have “been there and done that”, you give yourself the chance to end up in a better place.

And to do that, you use leverage to accomplish your goals and reach your dreams.

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