#freedom Archives - Create The Life You Want https://designagreatlife.com/tag/freedom/ You Deserve To Be Great! Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:54:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Prioritizing Prevents Big Problems https://designagreatlife.com/prioritizing-prevents-big-problems/ https://designagreatlife.com/prioritizing-prevents-big-problems/#respond Tue, 21 Jun 2022 16:54:31 +0000 https://designagreatlife.com/?p=182 Prioritizing prevents big problems and in addition, you can design a great life that is filled with pleasure and satisfaction. So, what is a great life? One in which you have the freedom to be, do, go and have whatever you want, wherever you want it, without having to hurt anyone else. Freedom is not ... Read more

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Prioritizing prevents big problems and in addition, you can design a great life that is filled with pleasure and satisfaction.

So, what is a great life?

One in which you have the freedom to be, do, go and have whatever you want, wherever you want it, without having to hurt anyone else.

Freedom is not bringing any pain or discomfort to any other person as you go about your happy life.


So, what do you prioritize?

Everything that is going to affect your life demands some from of prioritizing.

Greatness cannot be achieved being average.

Many average people do not prioritize.

The result is they have more than their share of problems.

By not putting and doing things in their proper order life is more challenging.

Understanding the consequences of not prioritizing can help them to think and behave differently.

Deliberateness in intention must dominate your actions and thoughts.

The Role Of Excellence

The signature of excellence to the best of your ability, must adorn anything you do.

Striving for excellence is the best exercise for your future.

When we strive for excellence it is important that we don’t misinterpret perfection for excellence.

Striving for excellence is more realistic than striving for perfection.

And as far fetched as this will seem to the average person, it is a great way to minmize the problems they have to face.


Perfection vs Excellence

Perfection is not as attainable and can lead to frustration.

On the other hand, when you do your best, you are striving for excellence.

So your mission is to do your best at all times.

Your best is what you can offer the world.

The thing about doing your best is that the more you do so, the better you get at doing it.

Therefore you can improve your performance when it comes to pursuing excellence.

In doing so, you will not have to deal with big problems that are overwhelming.


You will know you are there when you approach what some call greatness.

It comes only after you prioritize the habits and behavior that take you to beyond average.

That is when you put excellence in everything that you do.

Even your thinking is inside excellence.

When others begin to recognize your excellence they will be using words like greatness and powerful to describe you.

Everything you do, every thought you have, will reflect that knowledge.

To design a great life you cannot expect it to be an automatic process.

Greatness comes from training, from exercising, from drilling.

Those are the choices you make when those activities become your priorities…Your major definite purpose is within reach.

However, there are many parts to becoming great, and you will have to master them all in order to achieve greatness.

Think about the people you know who exhibit greatness in their lives.

In sports, which I assume you know something about them, you have Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Stephan Curry, The Williams sisters, especially Serena and many more.

These individuals worked on designing the life they now have.

They became masters in their individual sport.

You have to become a master in your particular pursuit.


Mastery in the dictionary brings up words like: command, superiority, expert.

That is the level that you aspire to when you want to live a life of greatness.

You can do it, if you do what you are supposed to do, and prioritize the activities that would get you there.

To be a master is to be in control of your situation.

You can develop mastery at any age.

Therefore, in spite of your age, if you want to design a great life, you can.

Start now! Today!

Just be prepared to replace some of your old habits the older you are.

Greatness comes out of your discipline and your habits…So does mastery.

They must be the right habits however.

Just do the right things and you will design a great life for yourself and your family.

In Conclusion

You have excellence inside of you.

By focusing on a level of operation that is colored by excellence you attract excellence, greatness and even mastery.

When you prioritize in that manner you will have fewer problems.

By having fewer problems you have to time to focus on excellence and greatness.

You achieve it by focusing on habits and behavior that take you from average to greatness.

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The Change Your Life Plan https://designagreatlife.com/the-change-your-life-plan/ https://designagreatlife.com/the-change-your-life-plan/#respond Mon, 13 Jun 2022 22:03:33 +0000 https://designagreatlife.com/?p=103 Change your life and give yourself the opportunity to break through into reaping rewards that seemed to be unreachable before. Sometimes it is impossible to remain on the path you are on and get to the destination you desire. And when that time arrives, change your direction or face despair. How do you do that ... Read more

The post The Change Your Life Plan appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

Change your life and give yourself the opportunity to break through into reaping rewards that seemed to be unreachable before.

Sometimes it is impossible to remain on the path you are on and get to the destination you desire.

And when that time arrives, change your direction or face despair.

How do you do that and why?

Let’s look at the why first.

Staying as you are can be an option, but what does that give you?

More of the same…no satisfaction, frustration and emptiness. And that is why you want to think about change.

How do you change your direction?

  1. Start with a plan…Plans allow you to schedule what you are going to do and when you are going to do it.
  2. Research to come up with what you are going to do and what you will need to get you there. Give some good time because this is where you will create the foundation of the future you are going to create.
  3. Now that you are on the way to creating something special, do not cheat yourself. You are working on creating a life of freedom and prosperity. Your intention is key to whether you will succeed. Give it as much as you need to thereby ensuring that you are prepared for the task at hand.
  4. Attitude is everything. So work on yourself until you know your attitude is ready to take you to the top.
  5. Finally, work of your persistence. It is your ability to stay that puts you in the driver’s seat of your ambition.

Follow these 5 steps and you are on your way to change your life.


When you do you are looking for a couple of things one of which is happiness.

Many think that wealth is what you work for, but in reality happiness is what you really want.

Any work you do on yourself is with the aim of creating happiness.

Happiness you feel in your soul. It is much more rewarding than anything else.


Money is a tool you can use to create happiness.

However, money in and of itself, is not happiness except you love it for its characteristics.

When you understand the importance of happiness in your life, it becomes easier to withstand the buffetting of challenges to get to it.

Too often, when the goal of happiness is not defined, we allow the challenges to win.

Your mission is to avoid that by giving happiness the importance it deserves in your life.


Prosperity is most possible when you are comfortable with your happiness.

Happiness is mostly an inside job while prosperity is something that can be seen by the rest of the world, if that is what you want.

Some people do not want the world to see their level of prosperity and, that is understandable.

Your prosperity can be a magnet to unwelcome guests.

Some people are willing to relieve others of their wealth rather than create it in their own lives.

Whichever way you want to treat your wealth that is your business.

Do what makes you happy.

Remember, happiness is the goal.


Happiness, prosperity and freedom all make up the main reasons why you should change your life.

These are very good reasons to do the work that is involved.

You do the right thing and reap the rewards.

Belief is the most important friend you have on the way to the result you want.

Persistence is necessary if you want to be happy.

Include it in your plans, improve your attitude and happiness and prosperity will be the result.

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