Work from home Archives - Create The Life You Want You Deserve To Be Great! Sat, 25 Jun 2022 09:36:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Position Yourself For Success Sat, 25 Jun 2022 09:30:37 +0000 If there is one of thing that will make your tomorrow better than today is to do what it takes to position yourself for success. You can do so with your attitude, your appearance, even your words, but most of all, you position yourself by your actions. It all depends on your thinking and what ... Read more

The post Position Yourself For Success appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

If there is one of thing that will make your tomorrow better than today is to do what it takes to position yourself for success.

You can do so with your attitude, your appearance, even your words, but most of all, you position yourself by your actions.

It all depends on your thinking and what kind of vision you have for yourself.

Do you want to see yourself as a successful person?

If you do, paying attention to the way you speak is important.

What about what you think about?

Hugely important.

You must know what you want and how you are going to get it.

Work on yourself

Working on yourself is a definite must since nothing will happen without that work to get yourself ready.

Usually anxiety to get to the top can dominate your thinking and actions.

However, it is important that you know where you are going and the best path to that destination.

Find your path and stay on it until you get there.


Be aware that deception is always present and it is up to you to find where it lies in wait.

If you don’t, you could be a victim like the many who fall off their paths every day.

It is easy to be distracted and diverted if you are not aware of those who are ready to lead you off the correct path.

Consequences Of Ignorance

Distraction can cost you time and lead to frustration.

Therefore ensuring that your steps are sure and settled is a responsibility you have if you want to keep working on your path to freedom.

To avoid that negative situation, invest the time and gather the information that would carry you through to the change you are looking for.

Do that and you make yourself ready for the success you desire.

Your responsibility is to do what is needed to become the person for whom success would be inevitable.

The good news is that it can happen.

There are many who have done exactly what you will have to do, and succeeded.

Picture yourself as a determined person and then act like it.

Act The Part

To position yourself for success you have to start by acting the part.

Action is the first step to achievement.

Learn what is needed and then put your shoulders to the wheel.

This entails being positive, determined and enthusiastic.

What you are working for is important to you.

Treat it in that way in your approach as well as in your actions.

Consistency is the way you get to your goals.

Be the person who will not give in to the challenges that try to derail you.

So you act like a winner, even when things are not going well.

It is up to you stay the course if you want success.

It is up to you if you want change.

Playing It Safe Is Risky

Unfortunately, it is easy to think that taking risks is risky.

The truth is no risk usually means no reward.

To win you need thinking that is initially not familiar to you.

If not you would have gone on to success earlier.

It means therefore you have to take the risk to learn new ideas and take new and different actions.

And that is where the situation becomes risky.

You are entering unknown territory.

But it is only there in this new mental landscape that you could have victory you are in search of.

You cannot have the capacity for a different result if you do not change.

Changing involves taking risk.

When you take this kind of risk you definitely position yourself for success.

Who You Become In The Process

With time you become more and more fearless.

When you learn to overcome fear, you have the key to real and true success.

And, the only way to overcome fear is to do the things that you fear.

You learn to work despite any fear you may feel and eventually give yourself power over that fear, whatever it is.

Taking that powerful path is positioning yourself for success.

So don’t be afraid to tackle any project.

For example, are you afraid to make videos?

Then you become the person who makes them anyway.

Soon it becomes part of who you are and what you do.

That is the approach you must have about anything you fear doing, and soon, you will be powerfully positioned to take charge of your life.

The key to success is really this one thing: learn to overcome your fears.


Learn to overcome fear and you will position yourself for success.

Taking risk is necessary if you want to pursue a life of freedom and success.

And unless you find a group that is pursuing the same goals as you, then you will most likely go alone on your journey to success.

The good news is that you now have the keys to position yourself for success and you can become unstoppable in that pursuit.

Could you think of another way to help position yourself? Let us know in the comments below.

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Make Money While Sleeping Wed, 22 Jun 2022 20:57:32 +0000 The greatest gift you can give yourself is to develop the skill that allows you to make money while sleeping. The once richest man in the world said: “If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Warren Buffett. I don’t know about you but I ... Read more

The post Make Money While Sleeping appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

The greatest gift you can give yourself is to develop the skill that allows you to make money while sleeping.

The once richest man in the world said:

“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.” Warren Buffett.

I don’t know about you but I don’t want to work until I die.

To enjoy more of this world, the people and places that are here is something that is important to me.

Therefore, that quote so resonated with me that I decided to create the website with the intention of helping others understand that there is a way to make money while they sleep.

When you learn to earn money while sleeping can put you in charge of your financial life.

But, creating that kind of life does not happen by accident…It takes deliberate intention.

One fallacy is that you must have money to create money.

There was a time that was really true.

But today, with the help of the internet, that is no longer the situation.

You could invest your time today and make money while you sleep.

Since investing your time can be a little tricky, I will show you how you can do that by going here and register for a webinar.

During that webinar we will break down how you can safely invest your time and create residual income.

What is residual income?

Residual Income is money you continue to earn .after having done the job in the past.

Familiar example when you write a book and you continue to earn money long after you wrote the book, is an example of residual income.

Because of the internet today, you can work on the internet and create residual income.

Online Scams

However, there are many people who just want to take your money from you.

Going online without any knowledge of these can cost you as has been the experience of many innocent victims.

The fact is these people are talented but use their skills to take advantage of people who are not aware of the danger they represent.

Without knowing who you are dealing with can leave you holding an empty bag, all your money gone.

So we do a webinar to help you know what to do and what not to do.

We know your time is very precious.

Therefore, any time you use it, you should be working towards creating something special, important.

Any other use of your time will be wasting it.

Could a job be residual income?

The distinction between a job and residual income is that you do not have to be physically there to earn income.

If your job allows to stay at home and earn income, then you may want to call it residual.

The reality is a job means you have someone who is responsible for your earnings.

When we talk about business, you are responsible.

So you cannot consider a job residual income even if you can be home and earning money.

Having a job is not a bad idea.

It is the way most humans earn money.

However, when you get to the point where you are no long satisfied with going to your job, is a good time to think about working for yourself.

At that time you should consider residual income.

On the other hand if you love what you do on your job and it is creating for you a very positive financial environment, by all means stay focused there.

Or you can do both. Nothing is wrong with having both options in your life.

The person who creates residual income, increases his opportunities, even as he works his job.

Owning A Business Is Not For The Weak

It is not that you are not going to work hard.

In fact, the people who are focused on making while they sleep, work very hard.

They know that eventually they will not have to work as hard because, they will be earning money in their sleep.

To get there therefore, they give it their all.

They are all prepared to work and to build something special for their future.

Your Desires And Dreams

When you start making money while you sleep, your can get back to thinking about the desires, dreams and goals you had that you no longer have.

You deserve those desires and dreams and you will be creating them in your life because of your effort.

Making money while you sleep allows you to dream again.

Dreaming again puts new meaning to your life. It really is a great place to be.

No task is too difficult when you are driven by your desires, your dreams, and a future that you design.


Earning money while sleeping is available every one, but not everyone can do what it takes.

If you are focused on changing your life and are prepared to do the work, you can be one of those fortunate people.

It does not happen easily but it happens.

You do the work, you get the pay.

Residual income is the pay for your effort and it is a great way to earn money while sleeping.

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Life After Retirement Wed, 22 Jun 2022 19:40:51 +0000 Getting out of your comfort zone is what most people think about and fear when they think about life after retirement. It is not with excitement for many because they believe the future is a big unknown. What will happen to them and especially, to their finances? Will inflation eat away to the extent that ... Read more

The post Life After Retirement appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

Getting out of your comfort zone is what most people think about and fear when they think about life after retirement. It is not with excitement for many because they believe the future is a big unknown.

What will happen to them and especially, to their finances? Will inflation eat away to the extent that they may have to work at a time when they don’t want to?

If that is you today, then you could take some actions now that would ease your mind some, especially as you consider your life after retirement.

Fearing Life After Retirement

Getting another job is what many think about doing, but that may not have to be how you go about it.

It is easy to see why they first think about a job.

That is all they know. But today, there is the internet.

The internet is a very good option, when you know what to do.

And that is where the problem is for most people.

Yes, they know about the internet and yes, they know that it provides income for many people.

But, how to harness it to your advantage, is the question.

As a baby boomer I too had those concerns…Not anymore.

The Decision To Work From Home

Today, you don’t have to go outside of your home to take care of yourself.

Yes, you may have to learn some new skills, but learning new skills beats having to clock in every day on a job that is not giving you the fulfillment you are looking for in your life.

And it is not only a lack of fulfillment. What about the income?

Just think about it: How much do you think you would earn from a job as a close-to-be senior citizen?

And if you are already there, would having that kind of job add to your quality of life?

I considered them all and made the decision that whatever I do I must be in my home. So, I checked the internet.

It Is Possible To Find Something Online

What a joke! There are so many “opportunities” there that your head will be spinning in less than an hour.

However, there is hope because, it was there that I found what I am going to be doing for the rest of my life.

The good news is that you don’t have to spend hours searching…I know how much you would dread that.

So I take it upon myself to make a recommendation.

Because you could choose to pay attention or you can do otherwise.

For The Person Who Wants Freedom

If you want your life after to be one that is working towards something that you want, then this is for you.

The point is you can learn some new skills.

That is a fact that you should not forget.

If what you have done did not bring you freedom then looking in a new direction may not be a bad idea.

It all depends on what you want.

I am one of the people who did find myself in a position that was not attractive after I retired.

There Are Many Traps Out There

In my attempt to find a way to change my situation I did exactly what I don’t want you to do.

I got into opportunities that failed.

I lost money.

At a time when I needed it the most.

That is because I was so desperate…And I learned my lesson.

I hope you don’t fall into the same situation.

Take Back Your Future

I had to find something that I wanted to do, a skill that I had to learn with an opportunity to create something.

That something is affiliate marketing

You can if you choose to, take back your future using affiliate marketing.

There are some advantages to learning affiliate marketing

Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

Once you learn what is needed for success, you can build a business by yourself or with a partner.

My wife and I find a lot of pleasure working together.

You don’t have to build a team, if you don’t want to.

In learning the skills that you need you will find the internet a more welcoming place.

And with a little planning you can earn monthly residual income.

Monthly Residual Income

My way of describing residual income is you earn money while you sleep.

That is when you are able to earn without being present to complete the process.

What a great way to earn money while during retirement!

That alone is worth the time it would take you to learn the process.

The Time

How long would it take you to be up and running?

That is really up to you.

The work you will need to do can be substantial depending on your online experience.

Regardless, so long as you are determined to take charge of your future, you will get to the other side of the learning problem.

Good News For You

There is a way you can earn while you learn.

In fact, that is the advantage of working with a company like The HBA.

The system is designed to help you start earning even before you know what you are doing.

The step by step process is designed for people who do not know any thing about affiliate marketing.

You can’t go wrong if you follow the directions.


With correct information you do not have to fear life after retirement.

Instead you can take control of your life to the point where you can be anywhere in the world and earn income because of the new skills you learned.

Think positively and get into action.

Your future can be one you would not have believed earlier.

All you need to do is to dive in and see how the internet can change your life as an affiliate marketer.

Life after retirement

This is good stuff, at least to me it is. These folks have done it, and I believe them. They are not plants or fakes.

How do I know?

Because I have looked at some of their websites.

Now, if they could do what they have done, does it mean that I would be able to do the same thing too?

No, it does not. But what it means is that there is a chance that I might…And I am going to do what I can to make it happen.

And the same thing for you. If you are willing to take a chance, and it works out, what do you have to lose?

And if it really does not, at least you would have learnt some things about the internet that would put you in a good position to try something different.

Win-Win In Retirement

All I see is win-win.

If you like win-win, then this is your chance to do something special with your time now, and your life later.

Is there something inside of you that you want to express to yourself as well as the rest of the world?

If you do then just maybe, this is your opportunity to make an impression and some money too!


Learning to work on the internet, at your own speed is wonderful.

There is no need to rush, you can take your time and create something very special to you and possibly, wonderful to the rest of the world.

It is all in your hands.

You can create something wonderful to take care of your life after retirement.

The post Life After Retirement appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

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Try Network Marketing Tue, 07 Jun 2022 02:27:09 +0000 Try Network Marketing and you may find a great source for monthly residual income and if you find yourself loving it, there is really nothing to stop you today. Network marketing is about team building. Learning team building skills will be to your advantage which can lead to the creation of monthly residual income. It ... Read more

The post Try Network Marketing appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

Try Network Marketing and you may find a great source for monthly residual income and if you find yourself loving it, there is really nothing to stop you today.

Network marketing is about team building.

Learning team building skills will be to your advantage which can lead to the creation of monthly residual income.

It is not easy to build a team if you do not have the skills.

Team building involves dealing with the many different personalities that come with people.

However today if you try network marketing you are in for a better experience than what was the norm many years ago.

Today There Is The Internet

Today you have the internet to find the people who are looking for what you have.

Use the internet to build a network marketing team.

Why would you want to build there?

To save yourself time and money.

I could remember before the internet, some of the experiences that was a normal part of the struggle to build a team.

The Horrors Of Yesteryear

Those were the days of building a network marketing team, using the phone to initiate conversations.

There was this instance where we had an arrangement to meet with a prospect at her home.

She had agreed to invite a few people over.

In that way if they all started she would have begun to build her team right away.

She lived 50 miles away and she wanted to try network marketing.

Of course, we were excited to hear that there would be guests as well. .

When we got there,however, our prospect was totally unprepared.

In fact she was as nonchalant as if there was never a conversation between us.

And that was not the worst of it.

We have had occasions when we got to the house, there was only darkness and no one to be found.

No long would you have to go through those situations today.

By using the internet, you eliminate them.

Working Today Is So Much Better

You can do everything you need to do, including helping people to get to know like and trust you.

You get those who are interested and are ready to try network marketing, as well as the curious.

You will not avoid the latter through the internet, but you would not have spent any time traveling miles to find out that they were just curious.

It is much easier to identify those who are serious.

You are free to invest your time into those who want it and therefore are going to follow your training or even follow that of other leaders.

That actually is a benefit of this industry; people follow other successful distributors as they pursue their goals.

Would you have to learn some new skills and get some new tools?


Team Building Is Necessary

It is all worth it in the end though.

Without those tools you will not be able to work in the way you want.

With them, you get to create the dreams you had when you started in this industry.

As you help others build in the same way, without the frustrations and disappointments that were the norm before the internet.

What are the tools you will need?

The Tools For Working Online

The first tool that will make it possible to market online is an autorepsonder.

This is a set-it-and-forget kind of tool made for online marketing.

Applying it to you network marketing business makes life so much sweeter.

Once you set it up for your different campaigns then it works for you organizing and maintaining contacts while you go about your life.

The Autoresponder

Should you get an autoresponder?


Click here to get it!

The Funnel Builder

Another tool that we really love is the HBA funnel Builder.

This tool really takes the cake when it comes to performance.

It is nimble and very versatile.

The investment is $25 monthly.

Since you have big dreams, then you will be building a team of like-minded members.

The people who join your team will be doing the same thing you are doing, right?

Therefore they will be building on the internet just like you are.

What will they need to build their team?

A funnel builder.

Another Income Stream

Now, you earn 80% when they purchase the funnel builder because of your recommendation, using your link.

With 2 members on your team, your funnel builder is free to you since you are earning $40 from those two sales.

With your cost as $25, your “profit” is $15.00.

For someone with big dreams this is just the start.

Do you see that it makes sense to get the funnel builder now at a cost of $25.00?

When your team buys it with your link, you get an 80% commission.

That means that with two people on your team the cost of the funnel builder to you is free, with a surplus of $15.00.

So the funnel builder is a tool to have , and is great for your team as well.

Get it here!

With these tools, you are on the way to create a team in Network Marketing.

All you need is a company, if you don’t have one.

Check out this video and see if it makes sense to you.

If after seeing the video, you would like to join Seacret: Click here!


Network marketing has proven itself as one of the ways to create residual income.

If you are interested in it, you should not hesitate because if you do the work, you will receive the pay.

What used to be in terms of how to generate business is no longer the case, because of the internet.

You don’t have to be scared of people causing you distress when you try network marketing today.

The system can he so hands free until you are sure you have the person you want to work with, someone who is determined to make it work for them.

It is much easier then for you to pour your soul into them when you know they are willing.

Let us know about how you would use your marketing skills to attract new business as a network marketer.

The post Try Network Marketing appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

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Start A Business, Change Your Life Tue, 07 Jun 2022 00:08:42 +0000 There could be any number of reasons why you should start a business and one of them is that it can change your life. The most important one is that you feel like you are ready to take control of your future. You want to change your life. There are others though, like dealing with ... Read more

The post Start A Business, Change Your Life appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

There could be any number of reasons why you should start a business and one of them is that it can change your life.

The most important one is that you feel like you are ready to take control of your future.

You want to change your life.

There are others though, like dealing with the aggravations and stress on a job that you do not own.

So many deal with stress for years probably not knowing that it is not good for their health.

Check this out from

83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress. US businesses lose up to $300 billion yearly as a result of workplace stress. It causes around one million workers to miss work every day.

Only 43% of US employees think their employers care about their work-life balance.”

83% is a huge number. Most likely, you are included in that huge number.

If you know you are dealing with stress, and have been thinking about starting your own business, you need to stop thinking and start.

Why To Think Seriously About Change

Starting is good for your own health.

From we have this statement:

“Chronic stress is hazardous to health and can lead to early death from heart disease, cancer and other health problems. But it turns out it doesn’t matter whether the stress comes from major events in life or from minor problems. Both can be deadly.”

So, stop hesitating and get on to starting something that will give you peace of mind, more fun and less stress.

Now, business can be stressful in itself.

But, if you know what you love to do and you do that thing that you love to do, you will have more fun than ever, should you start a business.

When you are having fun working, you have the best of both worlds.

Besides health, are there other reasons why you should start your own business?

Of course there are.

If you love being a leader, then it is sometimes difficult to really express yourself when you are not the owner of the job.

Start a business and you can have the world of opportunities to be the leader you want to be.

Now Is The Time To Start

Today there are opportunities to be in business without having to go into the heavy debt.

Building a brick and mortar business was the norm before the internet, a very costly proposition.

As a result, many businesses have gone online and, they are doing quite well.

Today your capital expenses would be the computer, if you don’t have one, a website and marketing.

Yes, you would have to learn some new things to make you a success in business.

Learn Some New Skills

Marketing is big: It is the difference between success and failure.

Nobody walks up to you and says: “Hey, I see your website and I want to buy a product that you are selling.”

If you are not prepared to learn how to market, you might as well remain on your job.

Successful marketing can turn you from a wannabe entrepreneur to a successful business owner.

There are other reasons to start a business.

Those that I have identified form a small number of the reasons why, but it you need more reasons than those, then maybe you are not ready to be your own boss.

And, if you are not, do not jump out of something you know to something you don’t regardless of how promising it looks.

Be Ready To Persist

The promise you see, is the result of marketing, persistence and a willingness to learn new things.

If you have those as s foundation, then you are ready not only to start a business, but to be a successful business owner.



Today, it is much easier, meaning much cheaper, to start a business.

Also you have more information which makes it possible to make a decision to get involved and be involved in no time.

However, it is important that you spend time examining what you are going to do as a business.

You don’t want to start a business, get it going, and find out in the end that you would have to stop because their principles are not in line with yours.

Just like your money, your time is precious.

Use some of it to plan so that you wll make the best decision for you when you do make one.

If you were to start a business today, what kind would you start?

Let us know in the comments.

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Work Your Business Or Go To School? Mon, 06 Jun 2022 21:27:12 +0000 Sometimes life situations force us to have to decide whether to work our business or go to school with the the goal of improving ourselves. For instance, someone asked whether they should go back to school so that they could be better at doing their business, or get right into the business and start to ... Read more

The post Work Your Business Or Go To School? appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

Sometimes life situations force us to have to decide whether to work our business or go to school with the the goal of improving ourselves.

For instance, someone asked whether they should go back to school so that they could be better at doing their business, or get right into the business and start to work.

I don’t have an answer because, it depends.

What I will say though, is that school could be in different forms.

If you have set up a business that needs your attention, then going to school during the day may not be an option.

There is a way you can go to school at night while you do your business during the day.

That school could be youtube.

Research your topic on youtube and then see how others successfully managed the lessons you have to learn.

This situation reminds me one of my mentors, Jim Rohn who said: “Formal education will make you a living; self education will make you a fortune.”

So, school for you does not have to be formal in nature.

When you learn what you need to do and then do it well, you put yourself in the driver’s seat of your business.

There are many ways to learn what you need for success.

Collaborating with mentors from among the successful people in your neighborhood is another way you can learn from others.

The thing about education is that you can get it any where these days.

There are books you can read without you having to step into a school.

So, it is up to you whether you want to get a formal education or you want to be successful in business.

There are some people who have the means to do both.

If that is you then go for it.

For those who have to make a choice, then self education could be your path forward.

What if there is a business where you could learn from the experiences of the successful people in the business?

Then, the learning would be automatic since all you have to do and learn is there for you to see and check out.

There are sessions where you learn every strategy that is used to create success and they are available for you to review and study.

You can apply winning methods and strategies to your business and learn how to become successful.

Would such a system help you, if it exists?

Well, it does.

Click here to see that unique business model!

  1. Don’t let fear of failure stop you from greatness Fear of failure is a big hurdle to overcome for many of us, but what we must always do is take action anyway. It is only with action that we get to the prize of success.

One thing you learn when you play any game is that you cannot win all the games.

Even the very best of the winners lose, ask Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods or Serena Williams.

But one thing they always do is play the game because they know, you can’t win if you don’t play.

The same is true for all games: chess, basketball, soccer, any game.

And in baseball, you cannot get a home run if you do not take the chance and play the game.

The beauty, the fun, the excitement is to see how you can beat fate and score the goal in soccer or hit the home run in baseball.

You can hit a home run just as easily as you can strikeout.

So, if you love home runs, you must love strike outs too.

In soccer you can’t score a goal if you are not in the game and it is the same thing with basketball.

Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game and hitting the home runs of your life.

In addition, no body but you counts the strikeouts.

The audience, the media, the management, they are looking for the home runs.

And they are what you should be looking for in your business as well.

The crowds love spectacular plays and fantastic goals in the game.

Meeting your daily action steps are the exciting plays you make on the way to your eventual success.

Communicating with your leads constitute great plays that can lead to big scores.

And making a sale…that is the big one, the very reason why you are doing what you do.

But before you hit the big score, you will have to deal with the downs, the setbacks, the disappointments.

You are going to miss your shot, many times too.

You are going to miss an appointment or a commitment.

Don’t spend time moping and crying.

Life happens, so you buckle on your big girl or boy vest and you get back into doing what you know will take you to victory in the end.

You are a professional now, in the big leagues.

When you strikeout it is time to get excited.

You know that you are closer to your home run.

When you miss a shot, you know that given another chance you can beat the goalkeeper and score.

Get back to hitting your daily goals or whatever you did not hit.

When you do, you focus on going after the successes, and like everyone else, not looking at the strike outs.

How many home runs are you going for today?

Don’t let the fear of failure take you away from the game.

Winning is only possible inside the game.

Commit to be the best at what you do always.

That is the secret to success… you play the game, and you play to win.

You must look only at how to get to the successes, the home runs, the goals.

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How To Have Fun And Win In Business Mon, 06 Jun 2022 21:03:45 +0000 How to have fun and win is probably the goal of most people in business, but unfortunately, not too many achieve it. That is because most people do not do what it takes to get to the point where they could have fun. Hoping to have fun on your journey in business? Start by believing ... Read more

The post How To Have Fun And Win In Business appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

How to have fun and win is probably the goal of most people in business, but unfortunately, not too many achieve it.

That is because most people do not do what it takes to get to the point where they could have fun.

Hoping to have fun on your journey in business? Start by believing that it is possible.

Creating the correct mindset is vital if you are to achieve the level of fun and success you are looking for.

A business journey is not one where fun is easily possible.

It is up to you to create the environment that would make fun and success possible.

Mission one is to lay the foundation on which you can have fun.

You Can Have Fun And Win

So, how do you get there?

How do you create the lifestyle that you build on a foundation of fun?

It all comes down initially to what you do in order to pay the bills.

There is a certain way that will have your bills disappear as a source of challenge to you.

But, you may ask, do bills ever go away?

No, they never really go away but you could be in a position where paying them would not be a problem.

Paying Your Bills A Problem

When you achieve that you will be well on the road to freedom.

Do you know that bills are the source of a lot of stress?

Taking away the stress of finding the money to pay bills is freedom to a lot of people.

Have Fun And Win

You could disappear your stress.

Just get your income to consistently cover you expenses and stress is gone.

And, the fun begins.

That’s when your income gets the name freedom income.

Freedom income is the foundation of how to have fun and win.

How do you get to freedom income?

Freedom income

You earn enough income to cover all your bills on a monthly basis, with a surplus.

The goal is to increase the surplus exponentially as you work towards your freedom.

There are not too many jobs that would allow you to build freedom income.

So, you start a business, but, not any business.

Start a residual income business.

Residual income

Residual income is where you do the work once and continue receiving that pay over and over.

For example, I have an autoresponder for more than 10 years paying for it every month.

The person whose link I used to buy the program has been paid every month for all those 10 years.

And, he will continue receiving payment because I want that service and therefore, would not get rid of it.

He is receiving residual income because I need to use that program.

Can you see how it could be possible for you to create residual income in your life?

A Residual Income Business

I have a funnel builder that I use to build my business.

I bought that through a friend who is being paid every month because I need to and I want to use that program.

The funnel builder is important for my business and therefore will be a part of my business life in the future.

So what’s the secret to creating residual income?

Share something that is useful to others.

And, that is the foundation upon which you build a business where you can have fun and win.

Click here to see what I work with to generate residual income.

The post How To Have Fun And Win In Business appeared first on Create The Life You Want.

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