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Confront your challenges or run the risk of losing your future because you can’t live life successfully with unwelcome behaviors in your life.

Life is a game that needs all your focus and attention if you want to win.

You win when you give attention to creating the life you want.

Therefore, staying on the sideline is not an option.

Not if you want to live a life that is better than average.

You must develop the skills that come with learning to always confront your challenges.

Avoiding Confrontation

Avoiding confrontation is one of the ways some people try to get through life.

Usually it is because they want to avoid dealing with unpleasant people and situations.

But to live life in that way can lead to potentially harmful consequences.

You have more important things to focus on than to give energy to situations that will not help you.

In fact, avoidance behavior is the result of thinking that to confront is to invite unfortunate circumstances.

In truth, confrontation can be good and healthy.

Confront your challenges or, be a loser.

Benefits Of Confrontation

When used in the proper way it can lead to improved behavior and relationships.

You develop skills that in the long run are good for your future development.

Another benefit of using confrontation is the elimination of fear when you need to argue points of benefit to others.

To accomplish that goal however you will need to develop certain skills.

For example, using words that lower the tone and explain the situation usually leads to a better ending than the other way.

Against an antagonist, you can explain yourself and most likely lead to an amicable resolution.

Either an amicable resolution or the definite knowledge that you will not tolerate any unacceptable approaches or interactions in the future.

Amicable resolutions are always good but may not be always possible.

You choose the end result because your focus is to create the life you want.

Trying to avoid confrontation can and does encourage perpetrators to maintain their form ofnegative behavior.

On a personal level sometimes avoiding confrontation can cause some discomfort.

That is because there is no resolution in your own mind.

You would not be doing yourself a favor by setting up a situation that is incomplete.

Aiming at resolution is the perfect scenario for your life.

However, since it is not totally about you, there are times when you move on without resolution by both parties.

But you resolve that it is over.

Get on with your life!

Conflict And Relationships

We all have to deal with conflict at some point in our interactions or relationships.

Learning to face it is a great way to get to a resolution one way or another.

You could make a friend or you could end up with someone knowing that you are not one to be trampled upon.

When you avoid it, you leave yourself open to the development of some kind of toxic fallout.

Anxiety, especially in the presence of a person who approaches as a bully can even lead to illness.

Understanding that confrontation is a good thing would be great for you.

In your personal relationships for instance, try to avoid interacting with anyone you know that prefers this way of interaction.

But if and when the opportunity arises, confront them!

In doing so, you learn the skill of being able to talk them out of their behavior.

Why that is important?

When you engage in people pleasing, you avoid confrontation with others.

But then you never learn how to handle people of that ilk.

Left with no skill in dealing with confrontation means that you run a risk.

You will allow uncomfortable feelings to fester.

You can’t conquer what you do not confront.

Create The Life You Want

If personal development is important to you then it is important that you learn to deal with confrontation.

Understand that it is a positive thing and treat it as such.

Because if you don’t there could be negative situations that you do not want to remain in your life.

The more you properly use confrontation, the better you will become at making it work for you.

And, the easier it will be to eliminate those negative situations from your space.

When your life if free of those negative situations you are better prepared to create the life you want.

Ideally, you want to learn to identify when someone is causing you discomfort and then confront them in the best way possible.

Always keep in mind that you cannot conquer what you don’t confront.

Focus On A Better Way

In a perfect world, there is be no conflict.

So you do your best to create a world that is as close to perfect as possible.

The more you can eliminate conflict from your life, closer you will be to enjoying a better life.

That is why you focus on doing the right thing.

With that approach you will keep your mind free to concentrate on the important things in your life.

Important things like designing a great life, building a successful business and working towards mastery in some area of interest to you.


You have what it takes to deal with conflict once you understand that if it is to be it is up to you.

There are millions of people in the world and some of them are prepared to be bullies and test you.

Avoid them when you recognize them but if you can’t, just confront them and let them move on to others or learn something about being better citizens.

It is not your role to heal the whole world.

But those you meet could be the ones that you impact positively so that they never try to bully others.

You will have that result because you made the wise decision to always confront your challenges.

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Fear Of Failure, Less Powerful Than You https://designagreatlife.com/fear-of-failure-less-powerful-than-you/ https://designagreatlife.com/fear-of-failure-less-powerful-than-you/#respond Fri, 17 Jun 2022 19:40:41 +0000 https://designagreatlife.com/?p=124 Fear of failure is a big hurdle to overcome for many but taking action must always be the antidote, the decision that will move you forward. One thing you learn when after playing any game is that you cannot win all the games. Try a game like chess and you will find that there is ... Read more

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Fear of failure is a big hurdle to overcome for many but taking action must always be the antidote, the decision that will move you forward.

One thing you learn when after playing any game is that you cannot win all the games.

Try a game like chess and you will find that there is always someone better at times.

Even the very best of the winners lose, ask Michael Jordan or Tiger Woods or Serena Williams.

Take the lesson from these professionals because they know something that is very important.

They play whether they win or lose.

No Fear Of Failure Among The Pros

They do not exhibit fear because they are very familiar with what they are doing. They know from experience that it is not about winning, it is about playing the game to the best of their ability.

So they are not afraid to lose.

If you beat them you are very good and they admire you!

So too we can learn from them that taking the action is the fun.

Participation brings familiarity of whatever you are doing.

Familiarity takes away the fear which is replaced by the excitement of doing.

The more you learn to enjoy the game, the better you get at playing the game.

And that is what leads to more wins.

Who You Become

The more you play the game, the more you do the work, the more you do anything, the better you get at it.

Fear is always present when learning a new activity.

But by immersing yourself into the activity, you learn more and more until you become the person who can become a performer with no fear of failure.

Winners win because they lose a lot and when they do, they learn a lot from their mistakes.

The Law Of Averages

Michael Jordan did not make every shot he took.

But he developed his skills enough to know that he will win more than he will lose.

So he is not afraid to take any shot.

The Law Of Averages says: The law of averages is the commonly held belief that a particular outcome or event will, over certain periods of time, occur at a frequency that is similar to its probability. Depending on context or application it can be considered a valid common-sense observation or a misunderstanding of probability.

The bottom line is that the more shots you take the more likely you are to win some of them.

Your goal should be to become the persom who will become comfortable taking the shots, playing the game or operating your business.

The law of averages works in all areas of life.

The Role Of Preparation

With proper preparation you can learn to overcome the fear of failing.

You learn to play to win but are not be afraid to lose.

When you do, you find out why you did lose so that you will learn from that mistake.

Whether you are in business as an entrepreneur, a sportsman or a gambler, you always play to win.

The person who is playing to win is prepared to lose because they know that what some call losing is actually lessons on the way to winning.

You Are Not A Gambler

When a gambler loses, he is strategizing how to win the next time.

However, he does not have control of the situation.

Yes he is strategizing but without the control that could cause him to win.

On the other hand when an entrepreneur loses he also looks at his mistakes so he could improve the next time around.

And most importantly you learn to avoid having the fear of failure.

Fear Is Not Your Friend

Spending time in fear is not productive time.

There is only one good thing about fear and that is to help avoid certain situations.

But there are places where fear should not enter the equation and working your business is one of those areas.

Fear is definitely not your friend in business or anywhere else.

Be Systematic

Systems always give you an advantage in any field of activity.

And one thing they do for those who become winners, is make winning more consistent.

Armed with that information you should be prepared to learn as much as you can.

The more you do the work the more consistent you become.

Consistency is the name of the game for successful business owners.

The same is true for all games: chess, basketball, soccer, any game.

And in baseball, you cannot get a home run if you do not take the chance of getting a strike out.

By becoming a regular baseball player, you stop focusing on the negative, the strikeout, and start focusing on the positive, the home run.

And so it will be whether in marketing, education, security, any area you can thinkg about.

What You Focus On

Focus on what you want.

Give attention to your goals and little else.

When you understand the role familiarity can play in your eventual results, that is what should take your attention.

Schedule enough activity to ensure you become familiar with the operations and processes.

Inside those activities you will find the confidence and skills to ensue you perform to the best of your ability.

Business Is Like Sport

In business you want to score wins just like you do in sport.

The beauty, the fun, the excitement is to see how you can beat fate and score the goal in business, in soccer or hit the home run in baseball.

You can hit a home run just as easily as you can strikeout.

So, if you love home runs, you must love strike outs too.

In soccer you can’t score a goal if you are not in the game and it is the same thing with basketball.

Your Expectations

In business you are trained better to win, so you could expect fewer strikeouts.

In addition, no body but you counts the strikeouts.

The audience, the media, the management, they are looking for the home runs.

Control what you expect…You get what you expect.

The crowds love spectacular plays and fantastic goals in the game.

Meeting your daily action steps are the exciting plays you make on the way to your eventual success.

Communicating with your leads constitute great plays that can lead to big scores.

And making a sale…that is the big one, the very reason why you are doing what you do.

But before you hit the big score, you will have to deal with the downs, the setbacks, the disappointments.

You are going to miss your shot, many times too.

You are going to miss an appointment or a commitment.

Don’t spend time moping and crying.

Life happens, so you buckle on your big girl or boy vest and you get back into doing what you know will take you to victory in the end.

You are a professional now, in the big leagues.

When you strikeout it is time to get excited.

You know that you are closer to your home run.

When you miss a shot, you know that given another chance you can beat the goalkeeper and score.

Get back to hitting your daily goals or whatever you did not hit.

When you do, you focus on going after the successes, and like everyone else, not looking at the strike outs.

Wrapping It Up

In your business how many home runs are you going for today ?

Don’t let the fear of failure take you away from winning.

Winning is only possible, when you take action, learn to win and not afraid to lose.

Commit to be the best at what you do always.

That is the secret to success… you play the game, and you play to win.

You must look only at how to get to the successes, the home runs, the goals, the bonus.

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What You Attract Is Determined By You https://designagreatlife.com/what-you-attract-is-determined-by-you/ https://designagreatlife.com/what-you-attract-is-determined-by-you/#respond Tue, 07 Jun 2022 19:44:50 +0000 https://designagreatlife.com/?p=57 What you attract in business or in life is very dependent on who you are, what you believe and how you think as an individual. You control how attractive you become to the things you want in your life. Some things will quickly fall in place because you are ready and prepared based on the ... Read more

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What you attract in business or in life is very dependent on who you are, what you believe and how you think as an individual.

You control how attractive you become to the things you want in your life.

Some things will quickly fall in place because you are ready and prepared based on the work you did in preparation.

You are the important person here…Yes you can be attractive but you could also repel the things you want.

It all depends of who you are.

Are You An Optimist Or A Pessimist?

An optimist is always looking forward to growth, improvement, and success.

Be An Optimist

When you behave like an optimist, you become attractive to other people who think in that way.

You are always looking towards the best in your life as well as the life of others.

You understand that while bad things can happen, you expect the best at all times and when things do not go well for you, you look for the benefit in the situation.

Not too many people could think that way.

There Are Pessimists Too

If on the other hand you are a pessimist, you will not attract optimists.

Who You Are Determines What You Attract.

Fellow pessimists will find you comforting and therefore be attracted to you and what you do.

However, that attraction is not going to help you grow your business since the pessimist is not positive about the future.

In business you want to have a healthy business attitude in order to stay through the challenges that may confront you before you are rewarded with success.

Fear of failure can impact how you do business and could put you into the camp of a pessimist.

Failure Is Good

It is true that most people are afraid to fail.

But, optimists know or soon learn that failure is their best friend.

If you understand that you learn from your mistakes, you will never run away from making them, so long as you do the learning that accompanies them.

Failure is good for you but the fear of failure is not.

Optimists look forward to the learning after the temporary setbacks.

They know that there is something better coming after the setback.

Which are you? Do you look forward to the time after the setback, when you learn more than before?

Self Belief And Self Esteem

Do you believe in yourself?

Self-belief is the key ingredient to positive energy.

When you powerfully believe in yourself you can and will create anything you want in your life.

And very importantly, you will attract other self-believers.

Belief will put you in the mindset to learn what you need to learn so you can get to where you want to go.

In so doing, you meet other self-believers and your mutual attraction can lead to friendships and partnerships.

A self-believer will find it very difficult to have a long term business relationship with someone who is not.

One benefit of being a self believer is that you are not afraid of rejection.

A person with poor self esteem is more likely to attract people with low self esteem who will fear rejection like it is the plague.

In business if you are not prepared to deal with rejection then there is the likelihood that you will not experience expansion or growth.

Since no person is perfect, you can change some of these hindrances to business success.

There are more people with similar problems than you can imagine, who are now successful.

Take action

That is because, they are doing something about their situation.

What can you do?

First, you have to be aware of your weaknesses.

Awareness allows you to apply fixes to any problem.

So how do you change from being a pessimist to becoming an optimist?

You work on yourself once you understand that who you are determines what you attract.

You do not want to fail in business or in life.

Therefore you work on becoming the person who will not let failure keep you from eventual success.

You affirm multiple times each day that your day will be positive.

Then you get into action taking positive actions along with nurturing positive beliefs.

After some time you will start to think about your goals and where you are going to be when you succeed.


Then you will be more attractive to people who are also looking for a better future.

Similarly, you can work on yourself in the area of belief.

Once you start believing in yourself, you are going to fear rejection less and less.

Fear of rejection may never go away totally.

However, you learn to take action in spite of the fear.

When you get that habit, the one of taking action in spite of your fear, you are well on your way to being the success you want to be.

After working on yourself, it would be much easier to be more attractive to the winners you want in your life and business.

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