The Power Of Residual Income

The poower of residual income

The power of residual income is seen in the lives of many successful people who benefit from working to create it in their lives.

Enjoying residual income can be the reward for setting up a campaign to create it in your life.

With this kind of income you can grow from struggle to financial independence if you learn what you need to learn and do what you learn with consistency.

The Value Of Residual Income

Unfortunately, most people do not know the value of residual income.

Why do we say that?

If people knew the value of residual income or continuity income or passive income, many more of them would go after it.

If they knew the dramatic change that could over take their lives as a result of putting in the effort to create it, they will do what they need to do to enjoy the results.

It is sad to see so much ignorance with regard to the power of residual income.

In order to understand what is possible more information is needed.

Is Residual Income Realistic?

Yes it is realistic and many thousands of people are showing that it is so.

Yes it is and that is attested to by the many thousands who are recipients of residual income.

There are residual income earners in affiliate marketing and network marketing to name just a few of the areas where you would find successful residual income earners.

The answer to that question depends on a number of factors.

What factors affect the possible returns from residual income?

  1. The kind of residual income.
  2. The price of what is being sold.
  3. The percentage paid for making the sale.
  4. The regularity with which you earn that commission.
  5. Your level of marketing skill.

Here we are looking at earning continuity income as a business model, by selling products.

Some products have a one time commission.

Others are paid monthly.

So what is possible with residual income?

Here is an example that is our experience.


We belong to The Home Business Academy.

In this company, the pay out when you make a sale is 80%.

There are two products that we sell, one that costs $25 and another costing $125.00

If you sell those 2 products therefore, you earn $120 for the sale.

$25 x 80% = $20.00

$125 x 80% = $100.00

Now if the person who purchases these products keeps them for one month, you earn $120 for that one month. If they keep it for 5 years, you earn that $120 per month for 5 years.​

Why These Products?

Why would someone keep these products for more than one month?

Because, they are absolutely essential and necessaryif you want to be successful online.

If you want to work from home and generate income then you have to learn what to do, and part of that is learning to use these products.

Just as a farmer cannot farm without out certain tools and products, so too person working online need these products; nothing happens without them.

The Tools Of Business

So long as you decide to work online these two products are absolutely necessary.

One of these products is a tool…the other is premium training, where you learn what works and why.

For the person who wants to sit in the driver’s seat of their life…working from home, earning full time income… these programs can do the trick.

Training Designed To Create Winners.

Those who are new to the field, will enjoy the training.

It is designed to help them to navigate the challenges that usually accompany starting a new field.

Created by fellow marketers, the company is newbie friendly to the extreme.

With them you learn to master the art of properly helping people who have similar goals and needs.

Every aspect of interacting with people…how to make friends and turn them into customers…you learn everything.

You also learn how to take daily actions that help you produce the results you are looking for, as you grow and become better.


You learn by doing, and there is the support to help you do what you need to do get you to take the right actions.

That support is huge, designed to help you to grow beyond your wildest dreams, by people who are actually doing it with you.

With your curiosity and their enthusiasm, the team is determined to create successful practitioners.

Their commitment to you is real with the goal of making anyone who wants success to have the means to achieve it at any level you desire.

Because, they know if you can learn to help one person, you can help one hundred.

100 people using those two products equals $12,000 per month monthly residual income.

Is that level of income worth it to learn some new skills?

Just learn what to do and then set your goals.

How long will it take you to get there, assuming you decide to make the number 100 your goal?

As long as it takes.

Just learn the skills and then get to work.

Remember that just two puts you in profit.


That last statement is worth repeating:

Initial outlay …………………………………… = $150.00

Amount from your 1st person = $120.00

Amount from your 2nd person = $120.00

Total income………………………. = $240.00

Profit………………………………………………..= $90.00

How long will it take you to learn the new skills?

As quickly as you decide.

The management know that this kind of opportunity is not the norm in our business model.

With past experiences that were negative nightmares, they want to make a change in the industry.

Success should be not only be for the few, and they are committed to be the change they want to see in the industry.

And their model is working because many are on their way to financial independence in the company.

You are in charge.

Now that you know what’s possible, it is easier to set your goals and get to work.

You are in charge and you know it.

The way it works for the new people is that they are given the responsibility to create their own futures.

They, the new people, understand that it is up to them to learn and create as quickly as possible.

The more they are involved in the creation process, the more likely they will be to share in the same way, thus expanding the circle of success as they build teams and move forward..

We know how tough it was for us when we did not know what to do and how to win in the online space.

Now that we are learning those skills, we are happy to tell you that it is no longer scary.

We know we are in charge of our destiny, just as you can too.

I shudder to think what would have happened to us if we did not make the change.

If you understand that what you are doing is not working, and you know you want more for yourself, then do not put off that important decision.

There is great value in the power of residual income and there is no better time than now to apply it to your life.

It can be worth a whole lot to you should you immediately start on your journey to freedom.

What is the value of freedom?

It is actually priceless.


There is nothing you can put above your freedom.

Therefore, do not continue on the path that you know is keeping you away from your freedom.

If it is important to you to win your freedom.

When you know what to do, it is easier to share with others.

Methods to share are part of what you learn so you can create your business in the right way because you know the value of residual income.